Attorney General Loretta Lynch, under the ever over-reaching hands of the Obama Administration is once again doing everything in her power to limit the Constitutional rights of Americans. If you’ll recall reports from a few months back that talked about the United Nations looking to launch a global police force, or a revelation of the same kind by a high ranking LA County sheriff, it would seem that the idea isn’t the rambling of conspiracy theorists after all.
During her speech to the United Nations this week, Loretta Lynch announced that the Department of Justice is launching a global police force meant to combat “violent extremism” in the United States. Now who’s making up terms? She created the label but failed to give an example of what qualifies as “violent extremism”. Is she talking about people who disagree with liberal policies or perhaps Trump supporters or even our hard-working police officers? This could be the most blatant overreach of power ever demonstrated by anybody serving as Attorney General.
Read what Lynch had to say on the next page.
Shes a Clinton Obamba has been!! She knows nothing, she already told you she was talking about her grand kids. So BS. Just go away Loretta, just go away your services are not needed any longer.
She’s got the kind of face that can make a train take a dirt road. And an attitude that would make Adolph Hitler proud. I spelled his name as not to be confused with Hitlery Clinton.
We the People are not giving permission for a UN takeover, must be good drugs ur doing Loretta, The people of this country have had enough of your BS and of the rest of the Obama communist/agenda as fast as the Clinton and company community dies like flies and she acts like she is above the law, is still harmful to ones health and shes still free for the time being but Karma is a bitch you dont want.
We just need to get out of the U.N. Completely. They will always get in our business. Look what they tried to do while Obama was president. They wanted to do away with our guns and anything that had to do with them. And anything else they think they could get away with. The U.N. Is who is sending the Muslims here and telling our government where to send them.
Prior to the election Obama was attempting to bring in IN forces to some how combined with the actual police we have to make some U.N. Force be in control. Obama and lynch must be trying to still do this, and it should be stopped. We as a country should not want their troops in American soil, policing us , especially because there groups are a lot of communist. I did one would not want any communist doing anything on American soil. In fact I want them ritually off of American soil. More of Obama trouble.
Why is lynch still around and continuing to working in
OUCH! Where do these people get their thinking from? This is what people were leading us! How sad
I welcome the uN, they have a lot of cool guns that I want, please send your non combat trained kids into our back yards..
Lynch can take her Liberal and Muslim colleagues and go to Hell.
Old news. Lynch isn’t AG anymore so why is this story still headlines?