Not content to trample on Americans’ Second Amendment rights, the gun control crowd is fixing to similarly trample on their First Amendment rights as well.
In the latest move of it’s kind, popular Youtube personality Hickok45 had his account suspended by Google for allegedly violating it’s terms of service. Needless to say, Hickok45 was shocked by the suspension. He never posted anything objectionable, so why should Google ban his account?
See, Hickok45’s channel featured videos of him handling and talking about firearms. He had made a name for himself as a gun enthusiast, with over 1.7 million Youtube users subscribing to his channel. But that all changed this Wednesday when his most recent video was automatically posted to Google+.
Shortly after the video was posted on the site, Hickok45 was informed that his account had been suspended without any actual explanation. He took to Facebook to express his confusion, writing, “Apparently, Google + is more sensitive about firearms related postings and such. I never use Google+ and did not even realize the videos were being posted over there, I guess.”
See more about this story on the next page:
Take this opportunity and start a new web page that is open to all views without censoring and take YouTube traffic away from them. There is still a free market and you may thank YouTube for making you rich with their bone-head decisions. Remember…Lemonade comes from lemons…it’s all about how you respond.
It is ironic that those who yell the loudest about “violations of Constitutional rights” do not even know or understand precisely what the Constitution actually says. Youtube is a private company. The First Amendment does not apply.
Russell Baker: “there was virtually no visible presence of Islam in America.” What rock were you under? Maybe you don’t recall 9/11.
Joey Wayne Crooker just the facts
Don Flowers
Russell Baker
Fred Haelig
You tube sucks anyways, listening to something & commercial comes on right in the middle of it
He’s awesome and this is just the beginning. We need to stay on top of this kind of stuff. I’m glad that he was reinstated.
i love republicans lol its like watching an episode of doomsday preppers lol