Not content to trample on Americans’ Second Amendment rights, the gun control crowd is fixing to similarly trample on their First Amendment rights as well.
In the latest move of it’s kind, popular Youtube personality Hickok45 had his account suspended by Google for allegedly violating it’s terms of service. Needless to say, Hickok45 was shocked by the suspension. He never posted anything objectionable, so why should Google ban his account?
See, Hickok45’s channel featured videos of him handling and talking about firearms. He had made a name for himself as a gun enthusiast, with over 1.7 million Youtube users subscribing to his channel. But that all changed this Wednesday when his most recent video was automatically posted to Google+.
Shortly after the video was posted on the site, Hickok45 was informed that his account had been suspended without any actual explanation. He took to Facebook to express his confusion, writing, “Apparently, Google + is more sensitive about firearms related postings and such. I never use Google+ and did not even realize the videos were being posted over there, I guess.”
See more about this story on the next page:
The first amendment protects you from government censorship.
Sounds like boycott time.
All those involved in infringing on our God given birthrights are traitors and enemies of humanity.
You assholes leave Hicock 45 alone I seen his videos this is just getting stupid.
This is one of the best gun information channels on the internet. YouTube caved to the gun control idiots. The same people that want to take your guns are the same group that want to tell you how to live. Their idea of freedom is what they say, and not our constitution. I stand for freedom, so I stand with the NRA.
The First is under attack NOW everywhere you look. You can’t say Merry Christmas, God Bless, Islamic terror, guns, illegal immigrant… the list is endless.
This is old stuff. Hickok45 is back on youtube. I just went there. Take the knot out of your panties.
I can not fathom what the purpose or objection could be. This is absurd.
to late,this guy has shown everyone how to make a suppressor out of an oil filter
the 2nd amendment says nothing about “the right to have a TV show”………….. get a life morons……