Not content to trample on Americans’ Second Amendment rights, the gun control crowd is fixing to similarly trample on their First Amendment rights as well.
In the latest move of it’s kind, popular Youtube personality Hickok45 had his account suspended by Google for allegedly violating it’s terms of service. Needless to say, Hickok45 was shocked by the suspension. He never posted anything objectionable, so why should Google ban his account?
See, Hickok45’s channel featured videos of him handling and talking about firearms. He had made a name for himself as a gun enthusiast, with over 1.7 million Youtube users subscribing to his channel. But that all changed this Wednesday when his most recent video was automatically posted to Google+.
Shortly after the video was posted on the site, Hickok45 was informed that his account had been suspended without any actual explanation. He took to Facebook to express his confusion, writing, “Apparently, Google + is more sensitive about firearms related postings and such. I never use Google+ and did not even realize the videos were being posted over there, I guess.”
See more about this story on the next page:
YouTube reversed their decisions
this is old, he is back on the air
Elton Smith You are the problem
Looks like some rich gun hater has given alot of money to the youtube people as a payoff. Imagine that?
You can thank Congress, and obama.
He’s back on.
Apparently this site garnered the low IQ idiot crowd just lok at the comments here. Good riddance now they can go back to watching FOX news.
So what you are saying is that you have run out of medication and need more?
Don Flowers No it is people just like you that are the problem. How do you get to be this crazy?
Roper Stuart ouch !!you are so brilliant, I bet you didn’t make it past the 8th grade