Not content to trample on Americans’ Second Amendment rights, the gun control crowd is fixing to similarly trample on their First Amendment rights as well.
In the latest move of it’s kind, popular Youtube personality Hickok45 had his account suspended by Google for allegedly violating it’s terms of service. Needless to say, Hickok45 was shocked by the suspension. He never posted anything objectionable, so why should Google ban his account?
See, Hickok45’s channel featured videos of him handling and talking about firearms. He had made a name for himself as a gun enthusiast, with over 1.7 million Youtube users subscribing to his channel. But that all changed this Wednesday when his most recent video was automatically posted to Google+.
Shortly after the video was posted on the site, Hickok45 was informed that his account had been suspended without any actual explanation. He took to Facebook to express his confusion, writing, “Apparently, Google + is more sensitive about firearms related postings and such. I never use Google+ and did not even realize the videos were being posted over there, I guess.”
See more about this story on the next page:
again or old news ?
The First Amendment protects speech from government censorship. YouTube is not a government entity. YouTube is a private company that can allow or block any speech on their site that they choose in the same way that “Truth” And Action’s website can block anything resembling reality from theirs. There is no First Amendment violation. In a Free Market system, private businesses are free to pursue their private business, and if a bunch of whiny halfwits can’t get that through their thick skulls, then maybe capitalism isn’t for them.
not again ole hickory stick is gona be pissed
If there were videos of how to prepare a homosexual wedding or along those lines , i bet they wouldn’t be allowed to ban them.
Ive watched this guys reviews on most of the guns ive purchased in the last couple years. This is lame as$#%&!@* Almost as lame as Obama himself. And clearly as UNAMERICAN as Obama
Don’t confuse people with facts, Jay. Conservatives support the First Amendment except when they don’t like your religion or what you have to say, and they love the Free Market except when they don’t like your business decisions, and they respect the law except when they don’t like the law, and they respect individual rights except when they don’t like your choices, and they believe in self-reliance except when they need government aid.
So they can censor anything to do with guns , but can’t censor radicalized rhetoric from groups like ISIS and Liberals…
I had really high hopes for Obama , but he let this country , and his fellow blacks down………..he has worked against the progress that the great MLK jr. had achieved , and set us back decades on equality…………only keeping the blacks oppressed , and not coming up with one single plan to rectify it , in two terms he has only managed the problem successfully , never caring about improving their lives with a solution……….Trump will do more for blacks in one year , than Obama cared to do in two terms…..
he was re-instated
I never watched it but was he selling, or advocating selling, firearms online? If so, that is illegal.