Youth Minister Cited, Threatened with Arrest for Building an Illegal Sand Castle

Youth Minister Cited, Threatened with Arrest for Building an Illegal Sand Castle

Ideally, we all want to live in a nation of laws. But we certainly hope the laws are rational, based on the premise of the public good, and enforced with common sense as guidance.

On a recent visit to Panama City Beach in Florida, an Alabama youth minister and his family were confronted by police for building a sand castle on the beach.

What seemed to be an innocent activity for the father and his 7-year old son turned into a confrontation that prompted the response of four police cruisers to the scene to deal with the “criminal” activity.

Learn how Bryant Rylee’s request for a simple explanation of the ordinance police cited turned into an event where he was punished for having innocent fun with his son. The story unfolds on the next page.

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