When it comes to the extensive post 9/11 airport bureaucracy, most people don’t expect the best service. That applies to anything government-run. The DMV. The post office. But, at one Houston airport, service was delayed even longer than usual.
Flyers were delayed several hours when the TSA encountered a massive terrorist threat that could have endangered the entire nation! Oh wait. They’ve never caught any terrorists. So what was so threatening that the TSA had to delay flights by several hours?
Well I read all the time! What now reading is a terrorist act! BS!
Screw that nonsense I am going back to read my romance novel.
Lol guilty
Oh brother!!
Those pesky reading women! Give me an EFFIN break!!!
Fire all the agencies that use three letter words since we don’t use them anymore to protect america and americans.
It’s because the people they hired for these jobs are too stupid to know what books are!!!
Well, I guess I have been a terrorist for years, I am reading a few books as I speak also…
I had no idea we who read are that dangerous…my goodness…are they out to outlaw books as well as guns?