When it comes to the extensive post 9/11 airport bureaucracy, most people don’t expect the best service. That applies to anything government-run. The DMV. The post office. But, at one Houston airport, service was delayed even longer than usual.
Flyers were delayed several hours when the TSA encountered a massive terrorist threat that could have endangered the entire nation! Oh wait. They’ve never caught any terrorists. So what was so threatening that the TSA had to delay flights by several hours?
Is she properly identified as such? And if so, does she have her papers
signs of the anti christ
the reason we will see God’s judgement on our nation
God will not be mocked, he states that repeatedly throughout the Bible
It should also be noted that female terrorists are women who drive themselves, open their own doors, “leaves” a man… doesn’t prepare meals, likes to vote, be educated… or feels en$#%&!@*led to an education. If a woman’s goals in life are something other than serving a man, she is a terrorist.
i’m sure in one of those books she does!!
LMBO @[1328165230:2048:Taylor Siobhan Perry]
Lol I love this pic!
Meh, maybe?!