When it comes to the extensive post 9/11 airport bureaucracy, most people don’t expect the best service. That applies to anything government-run. The DMV. The post office. But, at one Houston airport, service was delayed even longer than usual.
Flyers were delayed several hours when the TSA encountered a massive terrorist threat that could have endangered the entire nation! Oh wait. They’ve never caught any terrorists. So what was so threatening that the TSA had to delay flights by several hours?
what…they can’t tell a bomb from a book..that is pretty sad
It isn’t any worse than damning people that are Christian, support the cons$#%&!@*ution, support the 2nd amendment, speak out about chemtrails, fluoride, BPA, HFCS, aspartame or any of the other methods of the $#%&!@* government killing us. If you are an American in any way you are considered to be like the Jews in $#%&!@* Germany.
I’m currently reading 3 books! 🙂 maybe I’ll print this and use it for a book mark.
I am a terrorist because I defend the Cons$#%&!@*ution, have more than a week’s worth of groceries in the cupboard, at one time belonged to the Tea Party, believe we need to bring manufacturing and production back to our nation and employee our citizens, taught Sunday School in a Christian Religion for over 20 years, am against amnesty, am against abortions (unless medically necessary by more than one physician in different practices), pledge to my flag and like the one we have, fight the desire to remove true history from our education process, am against One World/New World/Globalism, Agenda 21, and Common Core, believe in Free enterprise, support small business, am against GMO crops, am in favor of the Fair Tax, believe in term limits for Congress, so now because I read they want to add that to the list. Fine, why not, imbecilic.
Now I’m a displaced Yankee (originally from Indiana) terrorist in GA–That’s just fantastic to know!!! Never knew I cl$#%&!@*ified as a Yankee until I moved to GA in the 70’s!!! Yipppeee. I’m really somebody now!!! 😉
And the nonsense continues. They are special
Didn’t know that you were a terrorist @[66800863:2048:Danielle Libby Phillips] !
I would like to know what moron came up with that BS !!!!!!!!!
apparently most of what makes me who I am makes me one. oh well, thank God my leader is Christ and not Obama