The alleged gang rape of a mother by immigrants in London has led to demonstrations and violence.
The issues surrounding immigrants arriving in western nations from the Middle-East are serious and are not going away. This is more than just a question of migrants being assimilated into a new culture. The very stability of that culture is at stake, especially when violence accompanies the arrival of those immigrants.
Let’s take a look at this recent tragic inciden.
Kill them
Kill all of them for crimes against women
And where are the English men?
Try that here and their numbers will decline rapidly.
While the Englishmen were on the soccer field or downing a few at the Old Pub,doing important stuff.
Can the world call islam a cancer yet and destroy it?
And they want to bring more over her.
time for guns In England women
Lets go we got to whip them out and this corrupt government along with the dumbass left
london?really?are there real men in london?I guess not
This is what you get when you let unvetted “immigrants” into your country.