Only a few days after “the most hated man in Sweden” was arrested for assaulting a mother who tried to stop him from stealing a woman’s purse, a young Swedish woman employed at an asylum center has been killed from an attack by a fifteen-year old migrant.
The victim was a twenty-two year old woman named Alexandra Mezher. She was rushed to the hospital after being stabbed repeatedly, but eventually succumbed to her wounds.
As usual, the Swedish police are refusing to comment on the identity of the man who is suspected of the murder and is currently in their custody. What they have said is that he will be charged with murder or manslaughter and that he was a resident of the center. While the Swedish government is still refusing to comment on any violence involving migrants, it’ll be difficult to turn a blind eye to something like this. This is the first time the violence has occurred at one of the immigration centers.
See what the family had to say on the next page.
Another dumb lib learns the hard way
I feel sorry for her and her family. I am sure she thought she was really making a difference.
Outlaw the Muslim Cult in America and the world to stop this c**p!!!
From what I read on here, their media hides everything negative about “refugees” to avoid any concern over their pouring into the country.
Oh those sweet, loving refugees! Send them to congress’s houses!
There seems to be a coordinated cover up. Rumors of it beginning here.
Fukd yourself. Should of said hell no, no entry !!
Is disgreful that Syria refugees, are so ungrateful to their hosting country and people.
Syrian Muslim refugee have shown the thuth colour of Islamic ideology, they are against human children’s and women’s rights.
Muslim are the only religion allow pedophile and rapists.
Muslim hostile culture and ideology are against western value and culture.
Muslim are the only religion against all the other religions.
We have being jeopardize by politicians and our country.
Time for people to petitioners for sadety in our homeland.
death to muslims