People forget history. Or more precisely, politicians pretend history never occurred. During the 2016 presidential race, Jeb Bush said it will cost “hundreds of billions of dollars” to deport illegal aliens. Most Democrat politicos stated the sheer numbers are impossible. Yet, the IRS can track down millions of tax defaulters and scofflaws.
The IRS can force tens of millions to sign up for Obamacare. Despite all naysayers, there is a way to extract ALL the illegal aliens and individuals who have overstayed their welcome. The solution has actually worked before and it’s on the next page:
is that supposed to spell ASSland ? there was a War – You LOST
Deport all illegals and dreamers
Come on Let’s see you take it.
I like Ike, he was a good President
This was back when people had a lot of grit not like the wimps of today
The Spanish took over Mexico. Blame them for your problems
Deportation Now, Enforcement of Federal Immigration and Nationality Law
You’ll have to give up all the modern benefits. Cars and trucks. Electric and gas power. Cotton clothing. Even horses. Wanna be “indigenous ” go ahead but also be indigent. Walk everywhere. Do without. W/o modern medicine too. Settle grievance killing each other. (Like in Detroit Chicago LA Cleveland NYC ET AL)
That’s indigenous.
I guess when Spain was killing all you Mexico and it didn’t matter. They killed more of the South America than we ever did in any war we have fought. Bye the was these states were either sold to or fought for and signed over that is the facts you don’t own nothing.