People forget history. Or more precisely, politicians pretend history never occurred. During the 2016 presidential race, Jeb Bush said it will cost “hundreds of billions of dollars” to deport illegal aliens. Most Democrat politicos stated the sheer numbers are impossible. Yet, the IRS can track down millions of tax defaulters and scofflaws.
The IRS can force tens of millions to sign up for Obamacare. Despite all naysayers, there is a way to extract ALL the illegal aliens and individuals who have overstayed their welcome. The solution has actually worked before and it’s on the next page:
Every since Eisenhower was in control, the United States has been going backwards because the laws are not observed. Need to move forward now that we have traitors out of office.
Donald Montgomery
Trump see this
Not only deport the illegal but force the lazy Americans drawing welfare to do something for their money.
DIANE, Obama lives in mars, I heard him saying “divesity has been a better thing for America, he said that “this” country has become more tolerant in terms
Race and that people are being polite and they aregetting along like brothers, and he even cried, he obviuosly didn’t see mexicans burning American flags, mexicans accusing white people of “racism” he did not see mexican americans punching white guys, white girls being raped, and alot of people setting up riots, this guy only knows how to lie, and speak politically correct
Time for them to go dead or alive
Alright let us do it
Donald Montgomery you are no better than ISIS
Get it done
I like IKE!!!