In his usual in informative commentary, “Dave”, in Episode 510 of his X22 report, asks why nations across the world are training to control mass riots.
For the first time in the history of the world virutally all nations are bankrupt. Historically, what happens when a nation’s economy collapses? Well, war usually follows.
It has a tendency to ‘clean the slate’ and provide a ‘cover’ for the ruling class.
What does this have to do with the point the X22 Report brings up that nations are preparing for mass riots?
Click The Link Below For More Info + The X22 Report:
don’t you mean civilwar ???? caused by tranny !
Food Shortages Created by BILLIONAIRES to lower the population levels
We greatly outnumber the “authority” and will fight for our rights. time to prepare for the rapture, only it isn’t the four horsemen of the apocalypse, its the out of control government
they know whats coming world financial collapse,,then a new world when the rothchilds are gone..why have a dozen bankers around the world killed themselves?or were taken out,,store food ,supplies,how is your day going?
Because the super rich are greedy and taking over creating an Oligarchy! In France when that happened many died in protest until they finally won and Marie Antoinette was beheaded!
You really want to know? What if we can’t handle the truth? Aliens are here, Immigrant amnesty for all, food shortages, EMP from solar storm, end of the world, no beer or bourbon, more stink bugs, total loss of power . globally, global war following loss of power. Is that enough.
In the 90’s we trained that way in the military too. Nothing new.
Because muslims and jihadist and communists are planning anarchy in Europe . European calphate in UK, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Holland BECAUSE POLICE ARE WEAK AND ARMIES ARE weak.
Because we are tired of all the injustice that’s been going on the last 6 years
America and Americans WILL rise to the occasion when required to do so and God help those who stand against us.