If you’ve been on the Internet lately, which chances are you have, you’ve probably noticed a lot of hate towards President Trump. Actually, you don’t even need to be on the Internet to notice it, you can practically go to any heavily populated area and find somebody complaining about him. Though that might make it seem like a lot of people hate him, it’s important to remember that it’s just a small percentage. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be president.
Anyhow, when you ask people, millennials especially, why they hate Donald Trump, they will say one of two things. He’s a bigot (racist, sexist, homophobic) or that he’s the reincarnation of Hitler. Though the argument is a tiring one, neither of those explanations can ever be backed up with fact and logic. Comparing President Trump to Hitler is not only an act of childish idiocy, it’s false by every definition of the word. Don’t let false history prove you otherwise, all you have to do is ask somebody who was actually present during Hitler’s reign in Nazi Germany. Check out the story of Marion Ingeborg. It might have people singing a different tune.
Read the story on the next page.
And here he is
True.I keep all books,high school history,1979set of encyclopedias and more.
These people have no idea what they are talking about
F**e news
If President Trump were like$#%&!@* they would be swinging from a rope.
Defund all that stops free speach no gov money
Those who do not study History is domed to repeat it! Dumb$#%&!@*holes need to educated or shot for treason!
The real Naziez are the socialist Left who want to strip everything our Constitution protects us from. They are Anti-Semitic, Anti Christian and Anti American.