Iran is posturing again and leaning on the edge of the powder keg that has become the Middle East. Last year Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari of the Iranian Navy made a pledge to deploy warships in the Atlantic in early 2014 to counter American naval presence in the Gulf.
This action was quietly withdrawn due to “a change in schedule.” This year, however, the Iranian navy participated in action in Syria with the Russian navy.
Find out about this latest action on page 2.
Sxrew Obama and his Admin and defend yourselves here as Obama does NOT care what happens to you guys at all
That’s cute. Let us show you what we have 12 x’s over! SERIOUSLY.
Let’s take care of this problem too!!!
Good luck
Does that mean their bass buggies with ak47s
You don’t arm your enemies Obama you idiot
A kid I heard predicted Iran would join this fight… Israel better watch out..
everything has sure went to c**p under OBAMA”s pro muslim administration
Need to blow them off the map and take our 500 billion back!!!
It’s time to outlaw Islam within the USA. Islam is a threat to the safety and well being of every US citizen. Islam cannot be allowed to grow in the USA. This is the face of Islam! If you take the time to read, you will find Islam in every country in the world today. Islam is migrating and believe it or not, the migration of Islam is on purpose. Muslims are staging a global Jihad with the intent of forcing Islam into every nation on the globe. It begins with a small migration of people who seem interested in peacefully assimilating into the host country. Then, when enough Muslims have entered a country they split. Some seek political office to try and claim power to push Islamic law before the laws of the land and to separate their people to gain private domain settlements within a country Others seek to disrupt the peace and economy by terrorizing and disrupting a country. The goal of Islam is clearly stated in the Qur’an. According to the Holy Book of Islam, Islam is the ONLY religion and every person on Earth must become Muslim or die. Islam cannot peacefully co-exist with any other religion because to do so would be to fail Islam Law and any Muslim who fails Islamic Law is cast out and becomes as the non-believer. The inevitable is going to happen. When enough Muslims enter a country to be a viable force, their intent is to take the land by force and kill everyone who opposes them. ISIS is an example of Islam in action. You can deny the inevitable as long as you want but sooner or later every person in the free world will have to face Islam in a war to save themselves from being forced into Islam. It’s your choice, deny the facts and sit idle while you lose your country or look whats happening all over the world and demand that our government take a stand against the migration of Islam. We can do it now while Islam is controllable or we can fight Islam in our own streets. It’s your choice.