Iran is posturing again and leaning on the edge of the powder keg that has become the Middle East. Last year Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari of the Iranian Navy made a pledge to deploy warships in the Atlantic in early 2014 to counter American naval presence in the Gulf.
This action was quietly withdrawn due to “a change in schedule.” This year, however, the Iranian navy participated in action in Syria with the Russian navy.
Find out about this latest action on page 2.
Are you serious. I even voted for bush. The stuff they post is propostorous. There is no truth in this propaganda.
Jim, you my friend are easily manipulated if you believe this nonsense
Get ALL the United states Military out fom the United Nation Kick the United Nation to the Proge with the World court and Bank and then NUCK it the world Problem will be Solved ,
Obama refuses to use common sense, a God’s given Gift to Human beings, Yet is a mastermind of irreversible actions, everything he does is irreversible ! ! ! Obama has betrayed the people of America, an extremist in disguise and bent upon America’s destruction. Not a single soul who has the guts to take him down by Military force, we all scumbags sit and watch, Bravo America ! ! —————————————————————————————–Lets learn from the Romanian people, they just overthrew their leader and his government due to corruption ! ! ** Where is our American pride and spirits gone, are we not just as good as the Romanian’s ? ? *-*- Yes, we do have a serious refugee crisis in America, it’s none other than our very own American Senior US citizens, who worked all their working life and contributed to our SS funds, in the Hope of being able to enjoy our Golden Years. That American Dream got shattered, just because our politicians got corrupt and started STEALING from it and now borrowing from China under our name to give it as aid to Islamic states! **–** Let the Good triumph over evil. Force new Elections now ! ! Vote for America, with all the Jewels in the Crown ! ! American Patriotic Party, representing the Working Middle class, tax payers ! !
Please SHARE the post.
Richard Doughty Dude, I live part time in Thailand, This is not the propaganda you believe, dig a little deeper !
The Atlantic was a good place to sink the$#%&!@*fleet; it’s a good place to sink the Iranian fleet, too.
Democrat Wants to Ban Word “Obama” From Federal Government Use … Because It’s Offensive
obama says it is ok for muslims to be transgender
Thank Obama for that can you say total idiot
Let’s get this going already!!
and we have 5 aircraft carriers dry docked.. why now?