Since the annexation of Crimea by Russia last year, countries throughout Europe as well as the United States have strangled Russia’s economy. This deployment will show Vladimir Putin the severity of the consequences should he plan to invade further into sovereign European territory.
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WTF FOR? What an azzholes, worry about the Muzzie’s in your Country you nitwit
Daqueequee Rose Adam Evans wtf is this legit cause ww3 will go,down then right?
The heck with miracles, the world needs a leader right now. Looks like Putin is the only one stepping up to the plate…sad as that is.
maybe i doubt it tho probably just covert mercernary proxy wars for land grabs
Alfredo Parra
Britian needs to take care of the invasion of it’s own land by muslims.
The Brits are just their to deliver the delicious jams and jellies!!! Crackers, dont forget the crackers!!!!
. this world and all of it’s countries have a cancer.. it’s called islam..
Stupid Britain .. Russia will crush you !