Since the annexation of Crimea by Russia last year, countries throughout Europe as well as the United States have strangled Russia’s economy. This deployment will show Vladimir Putin the severity of the consequences should he plan to invade further into sovereign European territory.
Find out more about troop operations on page 2
900 British troops…LOL.
I had the same question. Britain does not border Russia lol. The troops are going to NE Poland.
yay , an exercise ,…. let me know when chit pops off .
britian has gone crazy—first allowing muslims to stampede their country and start sharia law ,and now provoking russia ,for no reason—ww111,very possible by their actions
thank you eugene
900 is not a signal it’s suicide!!
Britain shares a border with Russia?
Cant help but ask. What does it take to condition a Brittish soldier to fight for or on behalf of radical Islam and ISIS? How can any Brittish soldier of the Crown reconsile this and blindly follow orders to this effect?
The board is set, the pieces are in place, now we’re just waiting for the next player to roll the dice and play their hand. If any of this scares you it’s because you’re not the one’s playing the game. Welcome to the new world order.