Since the annexation of Crimea by Russia last year, countries throughout Europe as well as the United States have strangled Russia’s economy. This deployment will show Vladimir Putin the severity of the consequences should he plan to invade further into sovereign European territory.
Find out more about troop operations on page 2
I guess that we must look into the future and find out that word war three already happened and it happen in our own american nation. Beware but we need to be ready and able to stop this Islamic president he created a chaos in america, Semper Fi
Well, perhaps, you’ve overlooked what Obama is doing to our country.
Pray for world peace.
Get ’em somebody’s gotta do it.
Is Cameron going to start ww3
thanks Obama
It is glaringly obvious they don’t want ISIS gone. Yet they keep insisting they’ve made ‘progress’ in the ‘war on terror’.
Really 900 is he for real I’d be lmao if I were Russia
What joke Cameron has turned out to be. President Putin doesn’t want England they have enough problems. Putin in building up Russia to and industrial country and now Russia will have all the Gas Oil resources of the Middle East and North Africa will be support Russia England would be lucky if they could be invited to join Russia Putin would have all radical out the country and have control Eng. would have No-GO areas under President Putin Eng. wouldn’t need to wrong about NATO UN our the New World Order America President and NATO and UN Obama run by Islam.
Brit need to wrong about the Pope and Bishops that want Eng to bring in 50,000 radical Muslim Refugees in more then Russia.
Pope & 84 Bishops
Millions of Brits tells the Bishops go fu** their self’s. The Pope And The Bishops Are Sack Of Child Rapist Alone With That Phony Muslim Pope Francs. BRITS WILL MATCH A ONE TOO ONE THAT THE VATICAN CITY TAKES AND GIVES THEM CITIZENSHIP AND WELFARE MEDICAL HOUSING TRANSPORT PHONE CABLE WIFI AND THE BISHOPS CONVERT TOO ISLAM. Until then shut your lying as* up bitc*s. Their shouldn’t be any problem because Vatican City his a moratorium on Islam and migrant and refugees. The Pope and Bishops Go fuc* each other you pack of sissy boys. Vatican City isn’t a Catholic Country or Church or Christians any longer… their a world pack of politicians using Gods name and Salvation as bribery a tool for your votes. Too Vote according to what Pope and Bishops say is Gods will for the right Politicians in your country. VATICAN CITY IS PUT A BLACK MARK ON CHRISTIANITY. According too the Bishops it ok for other countries they should bring in radical Muslims refugees that believe if 10 Muslims rapes a non-Muslim they automatically become Muslim. Facts that Muslim Refugees are Rapist molester murders mutilation slaughters enslaving women children babies boys or girls and force Christians too Convert our die now the IMAM of Saudi give refugees a FATWA if their hungry they can eat their women and Non-Muslim. God told these 84 bishops and the Pope it is a Christians duty to put their lives and their family’s on the line for Satan. What god are they talking to? FOR SURE IT IS NOT THE ONE FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE.