120 countries have begun to respond to all present threats by conducting some of the largest military exercises. Recently the U.S. has experienced these war training exercises first hand as Jade Helm and UWEX 16 have been parading about private and public properties.
It is clear that American citizens who remain in the dark about this type of war simulated training choose to believe these exercises are harmless, and are being done about just for precaution of nothing really.
In the age of light has the public ever stopped to think what has triggered the military to prepare for war in our own country? Are these exercises simply because of the previous terrorist attacks America has seen lately? Do the politically blinded believe that any of the harm that has reached U.S. soil get any worse?
What is happening is that media censorship in western countries is so unbelievably Orwellian that the majority of the West Pacific has no clue whatsoever that World War III is about to begin.
I agree Eric. That’s why I said according to our government. And if our government did do it then, what’s stopping them from doing it again?
Us is a powder keg ready to explode people are sick of the government if thats the route they choose it could be there last and life as we know it will change for the worst before it gets better
Militia will be labled as terrorist. But we will rise to meet them non the less
Go smoke some more Crack bud.
Eric I wish that were the case but no one stood up when 9/11 happened. Almost everyone believed the government’s story. When they do it again, which i believe they will, our government will likely blame it on someone in the middle east. And people will fall right in line screaming fo all muslims to be killed.
After all the facts came out in recent times proves without a doubt that it was an inside job and if people believe that it wasnt they are ignorant and blind . The government has lost the trust of the american people
That$#%&!@*is HIGH. lol
This is why I’m not worried about who the president is. it’s not like it’s going to matter I believe the end for Christians is coming very soon
It’s all about the base, all about the base
I saw the global troop mobilization about 3 weeks ago.Bad time to have sold my AR-15 last week I guess;but I’ll just pretend nothing will happen like the idiot sheeple! Yeah that will fix everything,I’ll just “believe” nothing will happen;)