120 countries have begun to respond to all present threats by conducting some of the largest military exercises. Recently the U.S. has experienced these war training exercises first hand as Jade Helm and UWEX 16 have been parading about private and public properties.
It is clear that American citizens who remain in the dark about this type of war simulated training choose to believe these exercises are harmless, and are being done about just for precaution of nothing really.
In the age of light has the public ever stopped to think what has triggered the military to prepare for war in our own country? Are these exercises simply because of the previous terrorist attacks America has seen lately? Do the politically blinded believe that any of the harm that has reached U.S. soil get any worse?
What is happening is that media censorship in western countries is so unbelievably Orwellian that the majority of the West Pacific has no clue whatsoever that World War III is about to begin.
Key word here INVADE not emp blast which who the hell has the balls to come to the continental us ? . Not to mention we have the most advanced long short range missle defence in the world .
Or maybe the truth is simple and people like you make it seem like there is more to it. Or maybe you are right and i am wrong and the is a manbearpig.
August 18, US enters 11/20
TRUMP 2016!!!
Well saidJamee.
I honestly don’t give a$#%&!@* All this racism b******t Obama set the stage for is a hoax! Can a black group please get it?! The government doesn’t give a$#%&!@*about you black or white?! There is an agenda to fulfill for the trillionaires elite to wipe out the garbage and start over! We are the garbage! Obama created a movement of millennial$#%&!@*kids! Liberals especially! This is a result of your blind following! Are you happy yet?! Do you assholes know how to grow vegetables in a frozen hole in the ground after the bombs start falling?! Of course not! I’m thankful my family taught me farming and survival! Live on the land! Our government here in the US needs to be cancelled out! Obama has defended the military! If you argue check your facts! He works for the establishment and wants to be the last president! How ironic?! First black president, world explodes! Wake up sheep! $#%&!@*PC!
I’m ba Lutheran. Brought up. The bible also tells us what to avoid! Wolves in Sheep clothing. It’s up to us to say no more! They work for us! Revolution people ! God provided many tools to not live without accordance to the Ten Commandments! It’s a different world now! People have to realize the power is ours! I believe the commandments and creeds were focused on our leaders! Don’t be a sheep!
This is all biblical. We need this to happen to fulfill Gods promises. Way to go Eli and Jamee! God is the light, truth, and the way!
Yea, because they are coming for us.