120 countries have begun to respond to all present threats by conducting some of the largest military exercises. Recently the U.S. has experienced these war training exercises first hand as Jade Helm and UWEX 16 have been parading about private and public properties.
It is clear that American citizens who remain in the dark about this type of war simulated training choose to believe these exercises are harmless, and are being done about just for precaution of nothing really.
In the age of light has the public ever stopped to think what has triggered the military to prepare for war in our own country? Are these exercises simply because of the previous terrorist attacks America has seen lately? Do the politically blinded believe that any of the harm that has reached U.S. soil get any worse?
What is happening is that media censorship in western countries is so unbelievably Orwellian that the majority of the West Pacific has no clue whatsoever that World War III is about to begin.
That will always be true.
Ohcourse we wont hear about this in main stream media, because you guys are full of$#%&!@*lol you prey on the idiots that believe in your extreme stories.
Jamee Stevens emp affects electronics. Guns are strictly mechanical and chemical. Emp attack is not the end of the world.
See x22 report on YouTube for really good daily updates on geopolitical issues. 20 minute episodes.
You can either chose to believe that this events are related to prophecy or chose to disbelieve…that is your choice. Believers can bicker amungst yourselves about the actual time line and the details. You can speculate this or that, it’s completely your choice. But things that u cannot deny are the following…
-damascus is in shambles
-The tigress and euphrates are drying up at alarming rates
-planes are drawn up, alter is complete and the desire for the 3rd temple is growing
-around the world we’ve seen more and more of the moral decay
-more and more people are turning away from faith.
-more and more christians are experiencing animosity against them for standing up for what the believe
-isis has established a caliphate
These are things that the Bible has said are going to happen.
Keep watching for the 1 day war against isreal…the attempted invasion by all those who would go up against her (I believe) will be the catalyst for the signing of the 7 year covenant and the rebuilding of Solomons temple. Pay close attention, the signs are appearing at an ever alarming rate.
You all need lay of the gas this is to funny even if does happen there nothing you can do so just enjoy life and don’t be scared to die because you will die one day either by war or age so stop being pussies
U know we the people have no problems with all the people around the world….a few guys in suits gunna turn coat the people on each other. …comon friends brothers sisters from all over the world we shall not let this happen. . There’s no reason for anything other then money and territory … I hope others have the same outlook…
Ha and half them would be mass incarcerated judging by the number of prisoners we have here now…
If an EMP takes out all our electronics how will the Military and Police be able to pull of martial law here in the US if all their vehicles are down?
John, we are shitty at enforcing drug laws or we wouldn’t have the prison population we have. It can be done , but no one has the political will to do the right thing anymore.