120 countries have begun to respond to all present threats by conducting some of the largest military exercises. Recently the U.S. has experienced these war training exercises first hand as Jade Helm and UWEX 16 have been parading about private and public properties.
It is clear that American citizens who remain in the dark about this type of war simulated training choose to believe these exercises are harmless, and are being done about just for precaution of nothing really.
In the age of light has the public ever stopped to think what has triggered the military to prepare for war in our own country? Are these exercises simply because of the previous terrorist attacks America has seen lately? Do the politically blinded believe that any of the harm that has reached U.S. soil get any worse?
What is happening is that media censorship in western countries is so unbelievably Orwellian that the majority of the West Pacific has no clue whatsoever that World War III is about to begin.
And kill for it too.
People better take the blind fold off and get ready to defend our country from the inside
This is a b******t site. They twist facts. Been linked to the C.I.A. and use for disinformation. Research$#%&!@*yourself.
Help, the sky is falling, the sky is falling.
America there’s a lot of concern where we are heading with our 2016 election – here’s the picture we are creating –
Democrats – we are fixing to nominate a crook that should behind bars in a prison – where she should be eaten up with her conscious –
Republicans – hopefully we the people wake up before it’s too late – if we fail Donald Trump – then we will be enabling the GOP to force a nominee through corruption – as they will not go with the majority of the votes candidate – so in essence we are electing a crook for the POTUS – how do we explain our ignorance to our future generations – how do we explain the imbalance in our liberal Supreme Court – we can’t afford to continue down this road – we have young families struggling to pay up to $10 or more a day for their children’s school lunches when illegals sit opposite the table and eat free lunches. What’s really sad is what about American kid that’s ashamed to sit down at the lunch table because he hasn’t any money to get a lunch. No legal American child chooses to go hungry either. Do you see any illegal immigrants being required to serve jury-duty while hard working working class loses income from serving and held in contempt of court if they choose not to do so. We the people need to wake up before it is too late and vote for the FUTURE of OUR people not the politicians people.
Obysmal has us so close to WWIII that we can already spit on the enemy.
People you might want to read this
Not us we are down sizing.
And the media is credible? Lololololol
Untied nations agenda 21 is being implemented more and more every day…..