Jared Kushner, son-in-law and senior adviser to President Trump, has been revealed to have close business connections with the globalist billionaire, George Soros.
Kushner is a ‘former’ liberal and high profile supporter of major democratic candidates. He states that his worldview started to change as he traveled with his father-in-law on the campaign trail and saw the divide between the elite and everyday Americans. Or did Kushner see the opportunity to grab onto his more successful father-in-law’s shirttails and go along for the ride? Some people even go as far as to speculate Kushner might be a globalist puppet or even the Antichrist working to undermine his father-in-law at every turn by combating the effects of other senior advisors to accomplish the goals outlined by Trump on the campaign trail.
Evidence of Kushner being linked to Soros adds fuel to conspiratorial flames. But, what exactly equates being financially connected to Soros and does this information shed any new light on Kushner’s true political loyalties?
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Get him out of the white house
Unacomplished, unrepresentative of most Americans and one big question mark
Well let’s get this out in the open for real! And no more f**e news
How do you know this isn’t f**e news!
Traitor, treasonous liar
If true, this is a real problem for the People.
I sure hope this isn’t true!
Soros should have been arrested and deported a long time ago for his funding of violence in the US. He has been banned from Russia. George Soros claims he is a god and “the creator of everything,” however the billionaire globalist also warns he is a “self-centered” god who believes “normal rules do not apply” to him.
“I fancied myself as some kind of god …” he wrote. “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble.“ He is a VERY evil man! https://youtu.be/MeM_l5mkyYc
Hmmm Jared is Jewish ,an soros is a former$#%&!@*soldier, don’t add up