For upwards of a decade, people from all over the world have been reporting and posting videos of strange sounds emanating from the sky. What are these sounds? Many state they sound like trumpets, and as you’ll hear in the selection of videos on the next pages, they really do!
But what are they? Is it some sort of hoax where people from different places and different times all join in? Are they the trumpets as noted in The Book of Revelation, as some claim?
The sheer variety of places and situations where these atmospheric blasts have sounded also lends to the mystery.
Learn more and hear the ‘trumpets’ on the Next Page:
Sheila Golightley Jaclyn Golightley Lora Golightley Jeff Golightley
Most logical explanation I’ve heard yet
Planet nibru also known as planet x is a bunch of bull .its haarp that is causing all these earthquakes weather change and sounds in the sky.if u really wanna hear and read something logical research haarp ,High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
Research haarp and soon u will underatand..High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program..
I am not going to disagree about HAARP, but the signs that Planet X are there and the Evidence is real. Noahs flood is one off the most know instances of what happens when it passes. Total Pole shift. There is to much evidence of its existence…
Don’t worry, when it’s real “THERE WILL BE NO DOUBT!!!”
Santina Diaz West