For upwards of a decade, people from all over the world have been reporting and posting videos of strange sounds emanating from the sky. What are these sounds? Many state they sound like trumpets, and as you’ll hear in the selection of videos on the next pages, they really do!
But what are they? Is it some sort of hoax where people from different places and different times all join in? Are they the trumpets as noted in The Book of Revelation, as some claim?
The sheer variety of places and situations where these atmospheric blasts have sounded also lends to the mystery.
Learn more and hear the ‘trumpets’ on the Next Page:
You guys are so adorable. You actually believe these fairy tales! When the world ends, it’ll be because we failed ourselves and our planet. Nothing more.
Educate yourselves. This is BS.
if it s real and not manufactured… here HE comes
HAARP government project, there is lots of info online about it.
When gods Angels soumd there Horns.. The whole world will know… NOT just a few people… God Bless the USA
Matter of fact, it’s coming from those “cellphone” towers.
Let’s say gor $#%&!@*s and giggles it was real. You $#%&!@*tards must be forgetting by your book only the chosen one’s can hear the trumpets……so yea! Imma leave it at that!
Read the bible, youll know what it is
Last time in posting on one of these. Go to YouTube. Type in whale sounds. Third video down. About six minutes in.
It’s from the movie ” War of the Worlds. It’s a hoax.When the seven angels sound,the entire world will see it and hear it.