For upwards of a decade, people from all over the world have been reporting and posting videos of strange sounds emanating from the sky. What are these sounds? Many state they sound like trumpets, and as you’ll hear in the selection of videos on the next pages, they really do!
But what are they? Is it some sort of hoax where people from different places and different times all join in? Are they the trumpets as noted in The Book of Revelation, as some claim?
The sheer variety of places and situations where these atmospheric blasts have sounded also lends to the mystery.
Learn more and hear the ‘trumpets’ on the Next Page:
Awesome iSnt it.
Wow, gullible!! Now I see how these Nigerian scammers make so much money. Did you all know that a giant lizard is on the loose smashing buildings.
Its due to increased cell phone use, or, higher levels of bovine flatulence. Take your pick.
NOPE, Glenn Beck says its End Times. I’ve asked him for all his stuff because he won’t be needing it anymore and he said “no.”
You better look project blue beam up, where’s the sound system they gonna use to make the sheeple think Jesus is talking to them?
No it was clear sky, 4am. At first I thought it was a missle because the sound came from far off and just built and built untill it was right next to me and literally the loudest noise you’ve heard on planet earth.
It was like something physical but nothing there to see, it can only be this noise is coming from a higher dimension. That’s the only explanation
Not too crazy at all Doug and here’s a few reasons why…1. Nibiru theory and research of previous scientists point to Pluto wobbling in its orbit and seemingly increasing (due to Nibiru nearing and gravitational pull) …funny how we have no NASA funding any longer, but we recently took the interest to get satellite flyby photos and data on that planet specifically this year!?! 2. Nibiru is on a completely different trajectory and orbit that is eliptical which only crosses our orbit on a very long timeline (which they tie to some very interesting things in our planets history!). 3. The planet’s weather as niubiru draws closer to our own orbit will have drastic impact on our own weather and planet due to its own gravitational pull. 4. Speaking of things being hidden and black budgets you could tie in hush-hush military ops running a test operation across 7 states to do nothing more than “$#%&!@*imilate into the general populous” (while we see military vehicles being given to local law enforcement, as well as other buildups in our country that make no sense). This is to say that they are aware that the S**t is going to hit the fan soon and are preparing for Marshall Law drills and planning control. On the other hand I’m not someone with a specific faith, but will say that as for prophecies and reading into things…the bible many things in it are written in descriptive and interpretive words. It could very well be speaking of many of the things which will happen here on our planet, as well as mans reaction and self-destructive behavior leading up to a world war we seem to be headed toward anyways. The words would be correct in every sense, and science and religion would not be wrong on either side!