For upwards of a decade, people from all over the world have been reporting and posting videos of strange sounds emanating from the sky. What are these sounds? Many state they sound like trumpets, and as you’ll hear in the selection of videos on the next pages, they really do!
But what are they? Is it some sort of hoax where people from different places and different times all join in? Are they the trumpets as noted in The Book of Revelation, as some claim?
The sheer variety of places and situations where these atmospheric blasts have sounded also lends to the mystery.
Learn more and hear the ‘trumpets’ on the Next Page:
Ei vaan meidän herramme Jesus Kristus,sinun vapahtajasi
It’s from that Kevin Smith horror movie good god people!!!!
I heads this last week in Dallas, it was the loudest noise I’ve ever heard, it was right next to me but nothing to see, it was in another dimension. Sounded like a giant metal wheel rolling on pavement, or like someone needed to bring their spacecraft in for a tune up
It was like a train engine going down the street off its tracks, and a groaning on top of the metal sound. It was so incredibly loud, like louder than a rock concert right next to 20 ft speakers loud. I thought it was literally the end of the world. This is a for real phenomenon, I know many people that heard in last week in Dallas.
Old news
It was Obama screaming as Michelle beat him.
What’re you all nuts……? I haven’t heard anything and no one I know has. This is all a hoax ! When the Trumpets of Heaven sound to usher in the end of Times, everyone will hear and bow before the Lord !
Relax… that’s the powers that be testing their sound system, getting it ready for project blue beam
Sorry bud. Your the nut
Where ever it was heard, it was the powers that be testing their sound system in preparation for project blue beam