For upwards of a decade, people from all over the world have been reporting and posting videos of strange sounds emanating from the sky. What are these sounds? Many state they sound like trumpets, and as you’ll hear in the selection of videos on the next pages, they really do!
But what are they? Is it some sort of hoax where people from different places and different times all join in? Are they the trumpets as noted in The Book of Revelation, as some claim?
The sheer variety of places and situations where these atmospheric blasts have sounded also lends to the mystery.
Learn more and hear the ‘trumpets’ on the Next Page:
Ive heard thst esch countrys elite and govt are making under ground city like shelters for them to go into if we’re attacked or there is nuke fallout. But I dont think they will be safe from quakes or floods which sre said to happen.
i told others about what i heard too and they think that i was hearing things, but when i heard it….everything got quite first and then the sounds plays off one by one 7 times. it is loud and scary, because i have never heard anything like it before. I heard it back in 2013.
If God sounded His trumpet all would hear it in unison. Don’t be deceived.
Yes…it is so scary DEAR HAARP…you are so noise…
LOL. Those naughty cherubs keep sneaking into the br$#%&!@* section in Heaven and playing with the trumpets. They’re gonna catch Hell when Peter gets ahold of them!
I think its making our dogs freak out and go running. $#%&!@*s
And if you don’t… maybe we should figure out what is causing this, or we could go with the old reliable “god did it”
HAARP can’t make noise but the blue beam project does.
does anyone understand that the elitest burnd the originals and made there own versions of the bibles for you to belive in then crafted world events to match the so called events in the same bibles they wrote maybe some may be true but have to make our own decision on them
These are God’s warnings just like the Israelites had back in the desert coming out of Egypt, It is in Exodus.