For upwards of a decade, people from all over the world have been reporting and posting videos of strange sounds emanating from the sky. What are these sounds? Many state they sound like trumpets, and as you’ll hear in the selection of videos on the next pages, they really do!
But what are they? Is it some sort of hoax where people from different places and different times all join in? Are they the trumpets as noted in The Book of Revelation, as some claim?
The sheer variety of places and situations where these atmospheric blasts have sounded also lends to the mystery.
Learn more and hear the ‘trumpets’ on the Next Page:
I’m not disputing whether the videos are real or not. I’m just saying that God works in mysterious ways. Just because there are some people out there that like to give false accounts, does not mean that everyone that gives a testimony is lying. And when did i say that it was telling us when the world was going to end? I don’t remember throwing out any dates and I don’t intend to. The Bible does tell us to watch for signs. Just watching the news should clue a person in on the fact that the end is near. Everything that the Bible says would happen, is happening right in front of our eyes at a rapid speed.
I really hope the true trumpet sounding will be more beautiful than this. We know that satan knows revelation and is the author of confusion so he can manipulate things to bring us away from constantly keeping our eyes on Jesus. Just keep looking for Jesus who we never know when He will show up but be ready when He does!
If you read what I said I even said that we’re quite possibly getting closer to the end of days! But per the bible we’ve still got A LOT to go till that happens sign wise! Js
Maybe the sound is comming from GODS ANGLES harolding the comming of JESUS!
I would so love to hear it.
A little tune up by Micael, the Archangel, for his final blast.
I did read that. Anything is possible with God. I have witnessed and experienced things MUCH GREATER than this and I will continue to give my testimony of those things because I have a strong conviction to do so. God is awesome and glorious and I will continue to allow myself to be open to his presence, however he chooses to show it to me. Glory to God and may God continue to work in your life.
Scare ya
I believe it is GOD letting his people know that the END TIMES ARE HERE AND TO PREPARE FOR JESUS COMING.
I believe that God the father has returned.
I am sure that he will reveal himself in time.