God no longer has a say, apparently, in how we view our gender or each other’s gender. With a growing number of Leftist news outlets pouring it on thick about how the majority of the world had better sit up and take notice of the barely 1% of the planet’s population and their cries of gender-fluidity, it’s really no wonder that people all over the Earth, when polled about what percentage of the population is lesbian, bisexual, gay, transsexual/transgender, asexual, intersexual, etc., etc., answered 25%, 30%, 40% and even 50%! It has nothing to do with reality, but is purely about perception. When about 2% can be viewed at between 25% and 50% of the population, there’s something seriously wrong with society.
Really, when it comes down to it, that’s what this barrage by fake news media is all about. Between CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, Time, Newsweek, AP, Reuters, USA Today, et. al., there’s no chance for the gay agenda of the Left to be ignored. It’s really inescapable. On any given day, in any given moment of television, your kids will be exposed to the gay agenda. You cannot watch any cable series without one or more references to it. Take any television show and ask yourself, “Are there gay characters on this show?” If the answer is “no,” you’ve struck gold. That is a rarity.
There is a very sad movement now as well that is skulking about through Canada and will soon be here in the United States. The movement has only eight individuals who are championing it, but with the help of the mainstream fake news media, it won’t be long before these people are national heroes and Leftists here in the United States will be emulating them.
Read on the next page about a terrifying new attempt at throwing away science, biology, and anatomy of the human species and replacing it with a science-fiction version of godless and faithless ignorance. This story will shock you.
Great. Way to mess your kid up right out of the gate.
Child abuse…kids blame parents for everything…this one will have a legitimate reason instead of imagined reason as its parent.
Great future you are planning for your child.Can we meet somewhere????
… It will I dentifiy itself when it is competent enough to make those decisions, it well dress how it fucking feels once it knows how to put clothes on with out ruining them, IE put legs in pants holes, waste into dress, arms in sleeves, ETC. The person will, by the time it is old enough to make that decision, marry whomever the$#%&!@*they want to that wants to marry them. Who are you judge them on a legal contract that has no effect on your actual daily life? Who are you to judge what someone wears? I hear a lot of talk about God in these things and all I can think is “Doesn’t God stress love and compassion, along with NOT JUDGING people, in The Bible??? A whole lot more than marriage (which is really disgusting whats right for marriage in the bible) and what clothes some where?”
A better case against this is. How will it identify in sports? In the census? Is the local, state, and federal government have room to handle it for legal purpose’s? Which jail will the person got to in the event of a major felony? These are legitimate concerns.
Sorry “people” but there are two…2…count them, 2 genders, male and female, DNA doesn’t lie!! Even if you cut that “thing” off your DNA is still male!! The problem isn’t between your legs, it is between your ears!
GOD always has a say !
Wow! Idiot parents!
… It will I dentifiy itself when it is competent enough to make those decisions, it well dress how it fucking feels once it knows how to put clothes on with out ruining them, IE put legs in pants holes, waste into dress, arms in sleeves, ETC. The person will, by the time it is old enough to make that decision, marry whomever the$#%&!@*they want to that wants to marry them. Who are you judge them on a legal contract that has no effect on your actual daily life? Who are you to judge what someone wears? I hear a lot of talk about God in these things and all I can think is “Doesn’t God stress love and compassion, along with NOT JUDGING people, in The Bible??? A whole lot more than marriage (which is really disgusting whats right for marriage in the bible) and what clothes some where?”
A better case against this is. How will it identify in sports? In the census? Is the local, state, and federal government have room to handle it for legal purpose’s? Which jail will the person got to in the event of a major felony? These are legitimate concerns.