While liberals continue to try to disarm America, one rifle at a time, conservatives have only one concern . . . how can we possibly fire more bullets? The answer comes in the form of a prototype created by Metal Storm that fires 1,000,000 rounds per minute. If you buried ten of those on a battlefield and fired them at charging enemies, the battle would last less than three minutes.
The highest rate of fire for a service weapon currently belongs to the M134 mini-gun, designed in the 1960s for helicopters and armored vehicles. It fires 6,000 rounds per minute or 1000 rounds per second.
See this amazing gun on the next page:
Paul Hayford Jr I want tell you what you look
Like because my
Mother taught me better.
Mentioned the drums because the person who stated that you can only get 30 round magazines apparently deleted his post. Is that good enough reason for you?
George Alexander cycle rate of fire? Did you even read the article? There is no cycle rate of fire involved here, the gun is loaded with 36 preloaded barrels which have no case, primer or powder and ghee is no cycle as the gun fired each round electronically. Cycle rate has to do with the speed In Which the gun loads, locks, fires, unlocks and ejects a round.
Paul Hayford Jr I must admit you lost me, no one especially I said anything about the speed or velocities of the bullets. And as for cycle rates, this gun has no such action. Cycle rates are speeds in which a gun loads, locks, fires, unlocks and ejects a round. This gun fires electronically and cycle rate does not apply here.
You can actually use a 100 round drum with many auto loading rifles
Come on people, stop bashing me for saying this post is false, it plainly says “fires 1 million rounds a minute” I know what they are trying to say but what the post should have said is “fires at the rate of 1 million rounds a minute” for this gun to fire a million rounds a minute with 36 barrels would require each barrel
To have 13,333 bullets stacked in each barrel
Providing the bullets were 1/2 inch long.
I know. It is rate of fire. Read mine again. I have seen this demostrated on the military channel and it fires so fast that IF you could have that many rounds available it would fire 1 million.
That is what it is saying. I said rate of fire, someone’s else said cycle rate. I just joined the two.
Them end results is!
Read carefully! They are talking about how fast it fires the round. In real gun terms it is listed as rate of fire.
All auto firing guns are listing their own rate of fire.
If you can understand that, go look it up.. it is simple gun language that you are trying to twist.
Not wasting my time.. look it up since you are just showing that you can talk, with no knowledge.
We’ll let’s kill some muslims
You look it up, as I stated before, with 36 barrels firing at once each barrel
Would have to fire 463 rounds per second, no muzzle
Velocities would allow that. At that speed the last bullet would fire before the first bullet exited the barrel. It’s just not feasible and you need to stop believing everything you see and read on FB. I watched the video and the gun fired for just under a half second. That would have been 8,333 rounds fired if it were at the rate of 1 million rounds per minute. Devided by 36 barrels that would have been 231 bullets per barrel fired in half second. If the bullets are 1/2 inch long each , then the barrels would have to have been 115 inches long each and they were not that long. I understand what you are saying but think about it logically. It can’t happen with only 36 barrels. And I’m not allowing for any Space in between each bullet.
Its not possible. 36 barrels only hold maybe 100 bullets a chamber. That is being generous.