While liberals continue to try to disarm America, one rifle at a time, conservatives have only one concern . . . how can we possibly fire more bullets? The answer comes in the form of a prototype created by Metal Storm that fires 1,000,000 rounds per minute. If you buried ten of those on a battlefield and fired them at charging enemies, the battle would last less than three minutes.
The highest rate of fire for a service weapon currently belongs to the M134 mini-gun, designed in the 1960s for helicopters and armored vehicles. It fires 6,000 rounds per minute or 1000 rounds per second.
See this amazing gun on the next page:
It is rate of fire, NOT how many round it fires.
They rate all machine gun on their rate of fire. But most only have 30-40 round magazines.
That is the rate of fire. NOT how many rounds that are shot from the gun..
I’ve seen this demostrated on the military channel and it is a continuous spray of lead, but the barrels are emptied in a couple of seconds.
Just like machine guns are rated at 300 or more rounds a minute, but you can’t load that many.
So all you so called gun experts are making stupid comments.
Come on people. It is RATE of fire! NOT how many rounds this gun will shoot.
All machine guns are rated on how fast it can shoot. Not that they shoot that many at one time.
So why do they only have a 30 round magazine on a rifle that is tate at 300 + rounds a minute?
Come folks it is RATE of fire! Not that it fire a million rounds.
Rifles that are rated at 300 + rounds per minute only have 30 round magazines.
Expensive target practice.
So how many minutes to 2billion ? That’s all the time we need to get to peace and science.
I believe the term (for the M-14 whan I was in Basic) was cyclic rate of fire. If these folks would read the term s-l-o-w-l-y, they could figure it out. Draftees could, certainly the arm-chair warriors can.
There’s no way..I’m not dumb enough to believe this
“Your deer is in that clearing, Sam.” “Huh? The whole forest is a clearing, now.”