While liberals continue to try to disarm America, one rifle at a time, conservatives have only one concern . . . how can we possibly fire more bullets? The answer comes in the form of a prototype created by Metal Storm that fires 1,000,000 rounds per minute. If you buried ten of those on a battlefield and fired them at charging enemies, the battle would last less than three minutes.
The highest rate of fire for a service weapon currently belongs to the M134 mini-gun, designed in the 1960s for helicopters and armored vehicles. It fires 6,000 rounds per minute or 1000 rounds per second.
See this amazing gun on the next page:
it only takes ONE bullet-you guys need to stop watching Hollywood movies and tv where guns go off and no one gets shot. Or improve your marksmanship.
If you turn a wheel @ 100 rpm for 10 seconds you still spinning it at 100 rpm. If you drive one mile in a minute you’re driving 60 miles an hour even if you don’t drive 60 miles or for an hour. And if your gun fires 17000 bullet a second you’re still firing at a million per minute even if you only fire the gun for one or two seconds.
NOW the bad news; Price of ammo that has tripled !!
Too bad Metal Storm went bankrupt.
Puff the magic dragon
I need one of these for home defense, my neighborhood is getting more sketchy every day.
I call BS.
Luke Okel