In Ohio you can be arrested for having a compartment in your vehicle that police think might be able to contain drugs, even if it has nothing to do with drugs. This is not just one of those stupid laws on the books that nobody pays attention to. Instead, this is a law passed in 2012 that was enforced for the first time with an arrest in late November 2013.
Several states have passed ‘secret compartment’ laws that state you can be arrested simply for having a compartment in your car – even if there is nothing in it.
Hmmm….maybe your secret compartment is for prescribed meds and you have little kids who might get into them. Especially if you’re a person who needs to have their meds constantly with them. I wonder if they ever thought of that?
So in Ohio do they have hunting season on Law makers, Just wondering if they are that out of control, there should be. Kind of thin the herd don’t you think ?
I think a fine for a secret compartment is appropriate and the loss of a business license for companies installing them I tend to look for the safety of the officers. I also fell that your gun should be out in the open so if you need it it is easily accessible and you should keep you hands in pain view when you do get pulled over for a violation so the officers see that you are not going for your gun.
a world of idiots….
invasion of privacy…
Thanks Republicans
Car manufacturers are gonna love this one !
Is is BS!