In Ohio you can be arrested for having a compartment in your vehicle that police think might be able to contain drugs, even if it has nothing to do with drugs. This is not just one of those stupid laws on the books that nobody pays attention to. Instead, this is a law passed in 2012 that was enforced for the first time with an arrest in late November 2013.
Several states have passed ‘secret compartment’ laws that state you can be arrested simply for having a compartment in your car – even if there is nothing in it.
guess car companies will be making cars without glove compartments
Just another example of the liberals agenda to take away ALL our rights.
Any one who bought a car has just been criminalized that is everyone
Right on
Ohio, get your heads out of your ass!!! Isn’t enough that you stuck us with OBAMA, not once but TWICE!!! You need someone with common sense to be writing your laws, you dumbasses!!!
Who ever built the car the CEO should go to jail
Just stick the drugs up your a??
Getting closer and closer to 1935 Nazi Germany….when the local cops participate we will be there.
the ones that should be accountable are the car manufacturers they should do something to keep these voids closed in the building process not the Joe smoe that buys a car to go to and from work
who are the other states?