In Ohio you can be arrested for having a compartment in your vehicle that police think might be able to contain drugs, even if it has nothing to do with drugs. This is not just one of those stupid laws on the books that nobody pays attention to. Instead, this is a law passed in 2012 that was enforced for the first time with an arrest in late November 2013.
Several states have passed ‘secret compartment’ laws that state you can be arrested simply for having a compartment in your car – even if there is nothing in it.
I feel safer already!
I didn’t think ohio was that out in left field . sorry and sad for you people of ohio ,and a real shame.
I hate drugs so I don’t care.
You will care when you are the one doing time simply for having a “secret” compartment. That is if you are willing to remove your head from said “secret” compartment and start thinking about the precedence this sets.
all of those lefty’s need to be thrown in a physic ward for life with no chance of getting out
Well, I guess you need to take the trunk lid off of all cars. They might claim it is a secret compartment.
We the people are coming, so you communist gov’t better get ready and you POS politicians, because you’re next
omg what c**p
Thats not even fair ; some vehicals are made with extra storage space in mind , we dont make them we just drive them . How is this law even right ? Why make criminals out of people who are not . That is crazy bs have they lost it in Ohio or what ?
AND Goes to show that cops are really not there to protect anyone but to make a buck off of us SERFS.