In Ohio you can be arrested for having a compartment in your vehicle that police think might be able to contain drugs, even if it has nothing to do with drugs. This is not just one of those stupid laws on the books that nobody pays attention to. Instead, this is a law passed in 2012 that was enforced for the first time with an arrest in late November 2013.
Several states have passed ‘secret compartment’ laws that state you can be arrested simply for having a compartment in your car – even if there is nothing in it.
An arrest for a secret compartment should only be made if something illegal is found in it. This compartment is ideal for people who have valuables with them. Even if the vehicle was stolen, chances are the valuables would not be discovered.
Look in the Cop Cars, see what you find.
Their cop cars all have secret compartments. Crown Vics and the chargers. The SUV’s the cherish most do to. See what cops put in there car its illegal for us, yet there more to face an accident before anyone of us. Does this mean where you have a spare tire in the back closed of compartment is illegal? Side closed off compartments where jacks are placed from rolling around a van or suv is illegal? The law is ignorant an ran by hate mongers to try and rule us with there corperations and ignorance.
So if I have a secret compartment to hide my traveling cash in, because the police do not protect me from robbers, the cops can then arrest me for providing for myself rather than falling victim to crime. Sounds about right!
Another law that was made by stupid people and needs to be repealed.
Like I said $#%&!@* Ohio and their laws and the police
Thank Your President Obama who is putting all these evil in force and signing the law paper’s!. He is evil and he is not done yet!. Next time you vote better be more careful who You vote for .he is just big liar!.