In Ohio you can be arrested for having a compartment in your vehicle that police think might be able to contain drugs, even if it has nothing to do with drugs. This is not just one of those stupid laws on the books that nobody pays attention to. Instead, this is a law passed in 2012 that was enforced for the first time with an arrest in late November 2013.
Several states have passed ‘secret compartment’ laws that state you can be arrested simply for having a compartment in your car – even if there is nothing in it.
Wow just another way for them to make another quota. This is just another sham in the ” justice system” where you are “guilty” before your afforded the opportunity to show your innocent.
Mike, this is still the USA. You don’t have to prove your innocence, They have to prove your guilt!
If you really think that is true the you are delusional. The justice system is stacked in the prosecution’s favor. Police break the law all the time and nothing is done about it. If you ask me some of the worst criminals are the police. They are bullies. Drink and drive. When the are pulled over they call a friend to take them home instead of going to jail.
Deputdog… the reality is that too many times, people have to prove their innocence. I have seen it many times. You say this is still the USA, so now you can be arrested for having a compartment in your car that may be able to conceal drugs? This is from our wonderful idiot republican governor.
Deputdog : Most people cant afford to prove their not GUILTY !!! Prosecution has almost unlimited resources to bend and twist the truth and to convince people your guilty just because of circumstance !!!!!
We are going to cover this topic tomorrow 8to10am on 610WTVN
In the words N.W.A F*ck the police
I am amazed daily by how much the USA becomes like the old USSR. What really hurts though is this one occured in Ohio, not New York or Mexifornia where one would expect it to happen. Makes me glad to be FROM Ohio and no longer in Ohio.
I’ll do not think the police are going to use this law on people who don’t move drugs with their cars.
Vehicle don’t come factory with hidden compartments like the ones described in the law.
Sad but true.
lol…..Well if this is the way new laws are worded then they should just go ahead and arrest people for murder based on the fact that they own a knife that might be used to murder someone …. in today’s world that is basically what the law is intended to do… to make you have to prove your innocence not for them to prove you guilty such a shame
I can not believe this. What is the world coming to? My question was this man convicted of a prior drug trafficking charge or they are just assuming he is a drug transporter? $#%&!@*ing cops are $#%&!@*s!!
The fu@king cops aren’t the one who wrote it, voted on it, or put it into effect. It’s the fu@king state representatives, state senators, and a dumb ass governor to be blamed.
as cops we don’t have to enforce unconstitutional laws like this one. not all cops are $#%&!@*s but all the cops that use unconstitutional laws against the people of our state are not doing their jobs. they are being a**holes.
There’s no way this is true.
SHAMEFUL. Ohio has nothing better to do? Try doing some research and stop sending/leaving senile people from Ohio in the Senate and House.