Have you been watching the obvious chain?
China sells off of it currency causing the dollar to lose value. The China stock market plunges 22%.
Four chemical plants in China have been destroyed since that move. Chinese naval ships entered U.S. territorial waters off of Alaska last week, coming within 12 miles of the coastline, stated multiple defense officials.
China has also sailed significant naval assets into the Bay of Bengal in order intimidate India to remain within the sphere of influence of the BRICS of which China is one of two leaders along with Russia. And China is building islands in the China Sea for military bases. World War III on the cusp?
Read more on the next page:
And not securing the boarders… this is a way to help them into our country and bring illegal weapons into the US!
World governments have certainly bee PUSHING for a new World War.
Does anyone else think he will try to pull an FDR? That’s the reason Amendment #22 was established: to limit presidential terms to just two (2). But given how often Obama respects Constitutional Law (ALMOST NEVER) he could easily roll-back the 22nd and just run for a third and fourth term, much like FDR did, because u just “don’t change horses in mid-stream”. Of course, Obama’s motto might be, u just “don’t change Muslims mid-stream.” anyhow, just BECAUSE he’s said he won’t run for a third term does not mean he’ll give up his power. he’s been extremely DECEITFUL in the past, and it certainly would not be his first LIE ever told as a politician or the “president”.
So, yes. I do believe Obama could use this option (of triggering ww3) which will be available to him up to the end of his tenure to create a possible scenario where the “people” demand he be put on the ballot and run again so that the “people” will be kept all safe-n-secure.
“Individuals who want some freedom and some security deserve neither safety nor freedom.” ~Benjamin Franklin.
I think our biggest threat is China and Russia. So far we’ve been fighting less advanced armies. China and Russia can drop some serious weaponry on the U.S. Turn our cities to rubble. Fortunately we could do the same back.
O’Bama is the begin of the end for all of us I’m afraid.
that would be a good thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8_MZtG6xY0
we are all going to die….Repent before it’s to late!