Have you been watching the obvious chain?
China sells off of it currency causing the dollar to lose value. The China stock market plunges 22%.
Four chemical plants in China have been destroyed since that move. Chinese naval ships entered U.S. territorial waters off of Alaska last week, coming within 12 miles of the coastline, stated multiple defense officials.
China has also sailed significant naval assets into the Bay of Bengal in order intimidate India to remain within the sphere of influence of the BRICS of which China is one of two leaders along with Russia. And China is building islands in the China Sea for military bases. World War III on the cusp?
Read more on the next page:
We are getting closer to when Jesus retuns.
His agenda!!!!
I see it happening on our streets of Europe and then the United States very soon
May start??? It has begun people.
Send him an Hilary.kerry.an rest of them on air force one on auto polit with enough fuel to get there but not land
Obama is similar to the emperors of Rome that finally got rid of the republic to change the republic into a dictatorship and he’s in the process of doing that and make no mistake – He’s not going anywhere but believes he can outsmart the Constitution.
World war3 just so that p***k can keep his job pathetic
It’s already start, Obama the Muslim terrorist got it started.
Why is he still in office!