Have you been watching the obvious chain?
China sells off of it currency causing the dollar to lose value. The China stock market plunges 22%.
Four chemical plants in China have been destroyed since that move. Chinese naval ships entered U.S. territorial waters off of Alaska last week, coming within 12 miles of the coastline, stated multiple defense officials.
China has also sailed significant naval assets into the Bay of Bengal in order intimidate India to remain within the sphere of influence of the BRICS of which China is one of two leaders along with Russia. And China is building islands in the China Sea for military bases. World War III on the cusp?
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sure does look that way he has done every thing he can to start one
AMEN. It’s time to stock up the ammunition.
Same here…!!
Well, if this is all true, it’s no wonder he’s supporting gay marriages, and sex change operations paid for by the tax payers for would be traitor like Bergdahl, and Bruce Jenner, AKA Caitlin Jenner. I suppose it’s coming down to getting or giving a BJ to get along. ??????
Okay Russia has moved troops and aircraft into Syria. What’s the big deal? They have had a Navy base for years in Syria. The ONLY way it is going to become a problem is if Obama continues to think he can wave his magic pen, arm ISIS and get rid of Assad in Syria. That is why the Russians have upped the ante in Syria. They are protecting Assad from the likes of Obama and ISIS.
too many conflicts too many consequences and no one seen it coming wow we must have all been day dreaming i really thought it was impossible to swear a non christianity in to any country which goes under gods ruling .this must have been planed from the beggining some thing not very right here and proberly when we find it ,it will be to late ,..
Obama should be on the frontline.
Send him over there with a sign on his back saying I GAY.
obama can’t do that by himself,, you really don’t believe the powers that be would allow the potus to have that kind of power do you??? if so you must be either a devout repub, or devout dem.
well what a surprise