Have you been watching the obvious chain?
China sells off of it currency causing the dollar to lose value. The China stock market plunges 22%.
Four chemical plants in China have been destroyed since that move. Chinese naval ships entered U.S. territorial waters off of Alaska last week, coming within 12 miles of the coastline, stated multiple defense officials.
China has also sailed significant naval assets into the Bay of Bengal in order intimidate India to remain within the sphere of influence of the BRICS of which China is one of two leaders along with Russia. And China is building islands in the China Sea for military bases. World War III on the cusp?
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@Alfredo yup haha
He probably will
Be sure to stRt it but remember, nothing is ever his fault
This is true and I don’t give a guck about him and Michelle my bell!
Impeach him.
The good Lord expects you do some of the work patty
I’ve never seen a president go against his own people this is what you get for voting for him the second time around. Don’t know what to do with a person like that he’s just a terrible leader he doesn’t know how to lead just a miserable person he will start another war and because he is a Muslim he wants us to suck up to Islam and all the Muslims now he wants to let almost 15 thousand more people into our country I sit and shake my head.
Says enough…
He loves stirring the pot.