Who has more patience? When will that patience evaporate and the war bursts forth?
Insulting the Russian bear wasn’t provocation enough. The Obama administration has now switched gears and is going after the Chinese dragon.
In a move meant to somehow project U.S. military power to the Chinese government, American officials announced that U.S. Navy warships will sail directly through a Chinese claimed 12-nautical mile zone in the South China Sea.
China claims it.
Everyone disputes it.
Now, Obama, who never wants to do anything with the military, changes his mind. He hates the military. So, is he setting them out on a suicide mission? Is World War III on the cusp? More on the next page:
Lol. What leson. Obama needs to learn how to defend American soils and people!
WWII was regional conflict also. Spanish civil war, Japanese invasion of China.
We are nearing the point of no return. 🙁
One would wonder if the US has territorial claims there or if they’re just being pushed by the war spirit.
There will be no WWIII, the UN will not allow it. Isn’t that the reason it was created. (Sac off)
Great! Let’s just escalate Obamas plan. Get everyone focused on that, while he let’s the UN come in and take our guns, there is so much unrest that he will inactive martial law, our joke of a government will go ahead with this, what can we do as our so called representatives don’t listen to the people anyway. Well I won’t give up my guns, or my neighbors. We need to take care of OUR country!
One should think China should go and patrol the Golf of Mexico. After all it’s international waters.
No it does not and certainly not like this.
South China Sea is the subject of numerous rival territorial claims the U.S. is deploying aircraft and ships to contest Chinese claims to disputed islandsChina cautions U.S. it doesn’t have “free access” to China’s territorial waters
This is what all his blind sellout follows wanted so let’s get it over with fck it
Robert Edwards It just keeps PROOVEING it’s salf every day. I AM a Promise Keeper. They do nothing but LIE and DISTROY our Country. At this point I see no other alternative.
Too many of them now