Who has more patience? When will that patience evaporate and the war bursts forth?
Insulting the Russian bear wasn’t provocation enough. The Obama administration has now switched gears and is going after the Chinese dragon.
In a move meant to somehow project U.S. military power to the Chinese government, American officials announced that U.S. Navy warships will sail directly through a Chinese claimed 12-nautical mile zone in the South China Sea.
China claims it.
Everyone disputes it.
Now, Obama, who never wants to do anything with the military, changes his mind. He hates the military. So, is he setting them out on a suicide mission? Is World War III on the cusp? More on the next page:
Chris Griffith
International waters? What’s the big deal. China can get over it.
Obama is a whoose if anything he is probably getting ready to hand over our carriers….besides ISIS needs more than toyota trucks and Sadam s chemical weapons!
Obama won’t let them shoot
What war ships Obama retired them all were dead !!!! HELP!!!!
Well I’m not singing the HAPPY SONG right now that’s for sure
Tj T.j. Highnote
Those are not U.S. war ships.
We just need another restart button!!!
You all realize we patrol that area regularly to protect the philippian islands and other coastal coutries such as s.korea,, war ships in the s.china sea is not abnormal one bit