Who has more patience? When will that patience evaporate and the war bursts forth?
Insulting the Russian bear wasn’t provocation enough. The Obama administration has now switched gears and is going after the Chinese dragon.
In a move meant to somehow project U.S. military power to the Chinese government, American officials announced that U.S. Navy warships will sail directly through a Chinese claimed 12-nautical mile zone in the South China Sea.
China claims it.
Everyone disputes it.
Now, Obama, who never wants to do anything with the military, changes his mind. He hates the military. So, is he setting them out on a suicide mission? Is World War III on the cusp? More on the next page:
Not I.Butt I do agree with you.
philippine government is a puppet by the US Imperialism. filipinos are never free until glorification of US imperialism ends
those are not us war ships
What are we doing jacking off
Wow! now there really Scared!
Should have done this a few years ago!!!!!
Show me videos or shut up. You believe 5.1% unemployment?
Look like British to me.
You can’t win a war with remote controlled air planes… He won’t put troops on the ground, remember?