Although it might be hard to believe that anybody would be pleased about the outbreak of World War 3, our leaders and politicians definitely will. With a devastating war involving the use of nuclear weapons on both sides, citizens will quickly forget the coming economic collapse brought about by the government’s incompetent policies. Well, the ones left alive anyway.
During the Cold War, when the old Soviet Union posed an invasion threat to western Europe, NATO’s war plan called for NATO to use tactical nuclear weapons FIRST to stop the . . . 20,000 Russian tanks and overwhelming troops.
The same way NATO knew that’s the only way to stop 20,000 tanks and several hundred thousand man invasion force, the Russians know it too! And the Russians will be FORCED to use tactical nukes in order to protect Syria.
As soon as those troops and tanks begin to cross into Syria, the Russian S-300 and S-400 missiles will begin taking-out the 2,450 military planes and 460 helicopters. The S-400 is probably the single most advanced anti-aircraft system in the world and the aggressor jets will drop like flies. But when the 350,000 troops and 20,000 tanks start crossing the border, the ONLY solution for the Syrians and the Russians will be to use tactical nukes.
Right now, the mass media in the US is totally silent about how close we are to war. This is by design. When the Saudis and their pals begin the invasion and the Syrians and Russians are FORCED to use tactical nukes to stop them, the American people will suddenly be told ‘Russia has just attacked our ally, Saudi Arabia, with nuclear weapons. We must enter to defend our allies!’ The American people, kept blissfully ignorant of who really started this and why, will say to themselves, ‘My God, those filthy bastards used nukes . . . .let’s get em!’ . . . . . and off to war we go.
The reason this is going to take place is simple: The government in the US, and those in Europe, need a DIVERSION to shift the public’s attention away from the coming economic collapse.
Right now, banks throughout Europe are on the edge of collapse from their bad loans, speculation and corruption. In Germany, for instance, Deutsch Bank has seen more than fifty percent (50%) of its stock value get wiped out, with 40% of that fall since January 1. People are pulling money out in droves. The banks are becoming unstable.
If (or when) Deutsch Bank collapses, they are exposed to ‘Derivatives’ worth $50 TRILLION. When the bank fails, the $50 TRILLION hits the rest of the banks and they collapse too.
In the USA, the ‘too big to fail’ banks are now also heading into collapse because instead of changing when they needed bailouts in 2008, they kept right on doing what they were doing! Now they are all bigger and in worse debt!
The governments do not have the credit or the cash to bail out the banks again, so when the banks go under — and they will — the governments need to divert people’s attention from the fact that their life savings and retirement moneys have been wiped out; and a “limited nuclear war” is just what they need to shift people’s attention away from losing their life savings!
We may not be able to stop what’s coming, but we have to at least TRY. There does not have to be a war.
There is no reason or legitimate interest, in overthrowing the government of Syria and we are backing the bad guys if we continue trying to do that.
If we allow Saudi Arabia and their Muslim buddies to go into Syria, it absolutely, positively will result in immediate war with Russia, and the Saudis are massing so much firepower and armor that the only way Russia can defend Syria is to use tactical nukes.
Once that happens, the US will get sucked-in and our children will be sent to fight and die . . . . all as a diversion from the economic collapse caused by greedy bankers and inept politicians.
Please post links to this article via FACEBOOK, TWITTER, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Craig’s List and whatever bulletin boards or forums you frequent. We HAVE to get the word out about what is taking place so our fellow citizens are not blind-sided by a war that does not have to take place.
Time is of the essence. There are only a maximum of 18 days left before it all goes to hell, and it may happen sooner than that.”
See a video describing the imminent crisis below:
Source: Superstation 95
Nukes are f**e
Lets hope not