90-year-old Arnold Abbott, a veteran of World War 2 and founder of Love Thy Neighbor, has been feeding homeless people for 23 years through his organization.
This past weekend he was arrested along with two Pastors when trying to feed homeless people in a Fort Lauderdale, FL park. He faces 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
“One of the police officers said, ‘Drop that plate right now,’ as if I were carrying a weapon,” stated Abbott.
Click on the link below for more info + videos:
The govt does this on a daily basis feeding the homeless and giving them cell phones, nicer places to live than me, free healthcare.
I read a sign today that should be funny & would be if it weren’t true: It says:
so rare
It’s kinda like
Florida should be proud to have something like that in their state. So disgraceful. How those police can sleep at night.
god bless this man.
Those cops should be ashamed of themselves! An Unlawful law should be broken!!! They were trying to Help People, Not harm them!!!! What is Wrong with this Society nowadays???
The man was showing his kindness, he does not deserve to be arrested. God what’s wrong with some ppl.
What is this world becoming when you can’t feed the homeless?
that is illegal u r dealing with replublicans u cant do that
This is pathetic!!