90-year-old Arnold Abbott, a veteran of World War 2 and founder of Love Thy Neighbor, has been feeding homeless people for 23 years through his organization.
This past weekend he was arrested along with two Pastors when trying to feed homeless people in a Fort Lauderdale, FL park. He faces 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
“One of the police officers said, ‘Drop that plate right now,’ as if I were carrying a weapon,” stated Abbott.
Click on the link below for more info + videos:
If I were an Leo in that position they would have to fire me because this is not right anyway you look at it and would not arrest this kind man
Now maybe after the election we can stop this kind of BS.
but why?
This is c**p!!! They should be ashamed !!!!
Time to play stop the cop.
The police getting to controlling for their own, someone to some their nonsense
I guess he had better start feeding the homeless in his home where there is a toilet. People need to eat and God willing as long as their are people who can and will feed the homeless then so be it;. The government is putting their g******n hands into to many people lives and only for the wrong doings
Crazy!! The state must have a law that you can’t feed homeless people!!
Its ok to kill babies but you cant help people?
http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/news/2014/110514mayors_update.htm The general information line directed me to this website